Many thanks Tom. Great to hear from you.

Isolated events such as CrowdStrike are not inevitable when all they had to do is apply the patch to a sheep-dip Windows box before inflicting it on the rest of the world. I found the succession of tech sector apologists for CrowdStrike's ineptitude entirely unconvincing!

Perhaps the patch was coded and released by GenAI, or the Old school no-tolerance approach to coding QA and testing is being replaced by "acceptable risk" laissez faire...!?🤖😬

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Oh definitely, CrowdStrike screwed up massively, and it honestly wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that it was ultimately done deliberately; for all of their explanations about how they failed to properly verify the dodgy file, I've seen no reasonable explanation for how or why a dodgy failed made it that far in the first place!

Whatever the reason, if it happened once, it'll happen again in my view. Maybe not via CrowdStrike, and maybe not even a similar underlying cause, but if I had the money to bet on it, I would 😂

Glad to hear from you too and hope you're well!

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