Jun 19, 2023Liked by Tom Halligan

"sensible people and businesses. Those who don’t really want to spend £300 to play games, but do want to spend £1000 to read PDFs... that, for some reason, are just flattened JPGs in a PDF container that's been compressed to hell so it could be emailed"

That said, I do kinda wonder how lo-res stuff will look

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That's a great comprehensive explanation and assessment Tom. Vision Pro and XR look "interesting". But not so interesting as to instil in me an irresistible urge to spend that much money on an Apple device. Might be my age. There just isn't a Vision Pro shaped hole in my life, so far!

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Critics who are questioning the value of the Vision Pro now might not be comprehending what a game-changer it will be for birthday party documentation.

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If the device eventually lets me see through buildings or ride a tour bus in a foreign city, then I might be sold.

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Thanks for all your diligent and generous work here, as well as the calm and precise “study and tell” which I can *no longer find anymore*( did ya know that many of the Westerners surrounding me even “politicize/Marxist analysis” um 1st world “gadgets” now? ) except here and Mastodon etc, I am saving-bookmarking-screenshooting excerpts-sending to think tank staff for the time capsule-printing out to re-read and repeat like a fawning lecture hall student of yours( only at dinner parties + “the future” work meetings 🔮 ) this article so hard my fingers hurts...

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I’ve never paid any attention to any of these headsets before. I would be able to name them or tell you their names. But I of course looked at the promo videos for Apple’s one.

What struck me in terms of my personal reaction is that I found myself thinking that I could see myself using a version 4 of this one for the most “mundane” of purposes: working in my office; replacing my dual screen and having a better and more efficient workspace.

Of all the fancy uses of these headsets I’d heard before, I was surprised to see that its biggest attraction for me was to do the basic stuff like emails, browsing, calendar, and (not shown in the Apple promo), I could imagine my IDE in there too.

Let’s look what versions 3 or 4 look like...

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