Hi Tom, wasn't sure whether to use chat , note or comment to check if you're OK and beavering away on new material? My progress is slow because a lot of it is project-dependant. Working on a 37-way interface analysis box using Arduino Mega. And ordered myself an Altair Duino Pro and an Amber Wyse 120 to go with it ! Maybe both will feature next year if I think there'll be interest. Anyway I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a safe and happy and amazing 2024.

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Hi Paul - and thanks for reaching out! I'm fine but like you have slowed a bit over the last few weeks & months: no problems but work has just been very intense recently so haven't had the time / energy to keep on top of new posts! Glad to hear you're busy with new stuff - and definitely keep us updated with your progress!

Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

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Great analysis Tom. I believe issues of cost, sub-optimal speech interaction, a fast-Internet postcode lottery, and trust, will continue to exacerbate the digital divide. Social and economic inclusivity, especially for the disadvantaged and the elderly, will require affordable, fast, trustworthy and robust speech-based human interfaces as an essential service.

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Fully agreed Paul! There have been great strides in speech-to-text recently, which will help speed along stable and (almost) real-time speech detection, but unfortunately there's still a way to go when it comes to people with unclear speech or other impediments. I'm confident things will improve in that area, however - and with faster hardware and fine-tuning of models, I don't believe we're too far away from something which could be deemed 'usable' even if it won't be perfect for a while yet.

Fast internet access is still a lottery as you say - it's beyond frustrating! Even in a well connected city, it's bananas how sporadic internet speeds can be. Unfortunately we seem doomed, as ever, to suffer from poor investment in infrastructure in that regard - but if we want to take advantage of advancement in technology and AI then it's a must.

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