ImageMagic is a very powerful library but marred with poor documentation and security issues. Sadly, I have not come across any alternative which has as many features as ImageMagic. Python has pillow but I have not quite fully explored it, in machine learning projects people use it for quick cropping or transformations.

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Yeah, it's curious that there doesn't appear to be anything occupying the same niche really - especially given how popular ImageMagick actually is: I know it's a dependency in an unfathomable number of projects. The only 'alternative' I'm really aware of is GraphicsMagick - which is actually a fork of ImageMagick in the first place! http://www.graphicsmagick.org/

See also, relevant XKCD: https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2347:_Dependency

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Haha, I never read that alt-text on this xkcd, epic!

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